Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cunning Single Lady Episode 1 to 12 Report Card – The Jung Woo and Ae-Ra Ship by Fangirl Ciel

I’ve been watching this drama regularly, and as of today 12 episodes has been released so far. It’s one of those drama that is easy breezy to watch, but I have no inkling to neither re-watch the episodes nor look for spoilers. What made this drama enjoyable is that there are a lot of LOL moments. The leads may be in their early thirties but their childish antics and fights are quite entertaining. And this drama rocks a great soundtrack too!

Like I did with my Bride of the Century review, I’ve use the same grading system I've come up on how I rate a drama.  These are the following criteria which I deemed are important and what makes up a perfect drama.

A well written plot

I really really like the plot of Cunning Single Lady especially in the first few episodes. I find it funny how an ex married couple tries to outsmart each other, but inexplicably falls in love again. I like that they immediately showed the reasons why they separated, and they were actually relatable and understandable. Much as we want to believe that love is we all need, financial stability also plays a vital role for a marriage to be successful.

Now the problem that I have is on the second half of the story which kinda slowed down the trajectory of the drama. For me, the plot got a little slower as the side characters started to get more involved with the story. I was hoping that Ae Ra and Jung Woo to have reunited by now, and the drama showed us a peek of their re-marriage with perhaps new obstacles to face. 

I am little torn what score to give since the story had so much potential in the beginning. The second half is not exactly bad, sadly it just failed to impress. So I’m giving this 7 out of 10 fangirl hearts.

Swoon-worthy male lead

I like Jung Woo because he doesn’t fit the male lead stereotype that we commonly see. He’s actually a combination of all those characteristics, being rich, kind, ruthless, smart, childish, vindictive and soft hearted all at the same time. I like that he’s a rags to riches type, and not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I find it endearing how he tries to be cold and cruel to Ae Ra but couldn’t help care for her at the same time.

This is the first drama that I’ve watched Jung Sang Wook, and I find him quite dashing! He’s like a combination of Lee Byung Hun and Song Seung Hun.

It was not shown in the drama sadly, but apparently he’s got a really great body! Hello there, abs!

Same with the storyline, I feel like Jung Woo’s character fizzled out a little. I like that he’s now fighting for Ae Ra’s attention, but it kinda weakened his character for me. He’s like a lovesick puppy who keeps following Ae Ra around in the last episode. I’m giving him 7 out of 10 fangirl hearts.

A Kickass Heroine

Opposite to Jung Woo, I like Ae Ra least in the start and has grown to appreciate her character more in the later episodes. She has become more mature and independent, and it’s entertaining how two hot guys are chasing after her and she doesn’t seem to care at all since she has become more focused on her career.

Some may fault Ae Ra when she left her husband Jung Woo due to hardship, but I actually admire her for lasting so long. She entered the marriage thinking that she’ll be a housewife with her husband supporting her with his government job, her dream is actually quite simple enough. But Jung Woo suddenly left his job and decided to start his own business, and began looking for sponsorship. Ae Ra suddenly has to work to support them, and mind you, she was not a college graduate so she worked grueling blue collar jobs like selling coats outside during winter and working for a barbeque house. And she has done this for four years, she actually has my respect.

But what made Ae Ra divorced Jung Woo is when she suffered a miscarriage due to her job, and her friend has to even loan her money to pay for the hospital bill. And to add even more to her pain, she was crying along in hospital wallowing in self pity because they were not able to contact Jung Woo because he was sleeping and exhausted due to one of his failed business proposals. Depressing stuff, right?

Now on to the present Ae Ra, it’s amusing how she somehow manages to save Jung Woo’s company despite being a lowly intern. Jung Woo maybe the successful and handsome businessman that he is now, but he still needs a better half who could support him. And this drama has done a great job developing Ae Ra’s character into a worthy wife for Jung Woo. I’m giving Ae Ra 8 out of 10 fangirl hearts!

Skinship and Chemistry

Sadly, not much skinship has been shown in the drama. For an ex-married couple, Jung Woo and Ae Ra are kinda shy in expressing their feelings eh? At least they finally kiss in episode 12, but am not really satisfied with it since the angle practically blocked us from seeing any lip action. How lame.

Lee Min Jung and Joo Sang Wook have palpable chemistry and I find them evenly matched, meaning one does not overpower the other in terms of acting. I’m giving them 7 out of 10 fangirl hearts!

Interesting and Non-annoying Side Characters

Now here’s the thing I don’t like about this drama, I don’t really care for most of them. I only like two of them, just so happens they are the cutest among the bunch ;)

Seung-Hyun is great other male lead that you couldn’t help but fall for him either. This is my first drama watching Seo Kang Joo, and where has he been all my life? He’s like Seo In Geuk’s brother. See the similarities?  He was born in 1993, so that makes him only 21 years old!

I really like Seung Hyun for his fun and cheerful character, and how sweet he can be by being always there for Ae Ra. If Ae Ra doesn’t want him, can I have have him pretty please instead? J

Secretary Gil is another favorite of mine, love his jabs and honest comments to Jung Woo. He is played by L, yes that is his name. Just one letter. He may look familiar coz he was the young Joong Won in Master’s Sun.

The other female lead, Yeo Jin is getting way too much screen time. How many times do we have to see her wedding flashbacks??? I don’t find her much of a competition for Ae Ra, considering Jung Woo barely glances her way.

Now here are Ae Ra’s family, one of the worst father and brother in drama land.

Ae Ra's co-workers completes the side characters. Ae Ra is a complete angel compared to those two woman. 

For this criteria, I’m giving this drama 6 out of 10 stars.


This drama has a great ost. My favorite is Alone Again by Big Baby Driver. They often play this during flashbacks, and it’s perfect coz it’s whimsical and melancholic. And did I mention that it’s sung in English? ;)

Now here are great feel good song to listen to:

 Mirror Mirror by Doohee and J Min.

Cunning Thoughts by Sunny Hill

Cunning Single Lady Report Card:

A Well Written Plot – 7.0
Swoon Worthy Male Lead – 7.0
A Kickass Heroine – 8.0
Skinship and Chemistry – 7.0
Interesting and Non-Annoying Side Characters – 6.0

Average Score: 7 Fangirl hearts

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